Hello from the AAR Japan office in Yangon.
In 2000 we started a vocational training program for people with disabilities.
We want to thank you for the ten wheelchairs you donated for people in our program. We gave nine to individual students and kept one for others to share at the vocational training program.
At this time Myanmar doesn’t manufacture wheelchairs. Wheelchairs come from China and Malaysia. These cost about 10,000 yen and are unaffordable for most with a disabled family member. The variety and sizes of chairs are also limited.
Our program is for people ages 18-40. Their disabilities are due to congenital conditions, polio, traffic accidents, and landmines.
We teach barbering, hair-dressing, sewing and computer skills. Each year about 130 students attend. Half are men and half are women.
We help the students with job placement. Of the 135 graduates, 94% have found employment.
Thank you again for the wheelchairs you gave for the students in our program.