Off the nicely paved streets and down red rutted dirt roads is a project taking leadership to restore beautiful Cambodia after the years of Khmer Rouge’s dreadful reign of terror. Two brothers who lost four siblings and their father to the notorious killing fields, work with humility and gentle ways that belie the power of what is being accomplished.
Their projects include helping with fish ponds and raising livestock. During times of famine they have fed many mouths. They also dig wells to supply clean water for communities.
This is Cambodian Ministries for Christ (CMC.) What a privilege to partner with them in supplying wheelchairs for those who would not receive one otherwise.
We delivered 10 wheelchairs and met a young man, Chan Roum. He contracted polio at 10 months, and growing up was denied the chance to go to school. Stopping to check his tears while telling us his story of pain and discrimination he now is vibrant and positive student. An eager learner he taught himself, even a second language, speaking to us in fluent English.
We also met a family with two small children. At four a high fever left their son with physical and mental challenges. As his mother nestled him in her lap he eyed the row of wheelchairs and chose one with a bright purple cushion. While his younger sister then pushed his wheelchair for him few spectators had dry eyes.
Two other wheelchair recipients had lost limbs to land mines. One was delivering food when she stepped on a mine, the other was on his way to the river to fish.
What a privilege to partner with CMC to touch lives. I am grateful for the many volunteers who refurbish wheelchairs and to the board and staff who oversee the work, and to the many supporters who help move the project forward. All together we can make a difference.
With your help,
as of NOV, 30, 2024
3409 wheelchairs
have been sent out
Bible Christ Church 5F
1-12-3 Toyotamakita,
Nerima-ku, Tokyo-to 176-0012
green:Opportunities to volunteer
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