Sacred Harvest Foundation wishes to thank WheelChairs of Hope for their partnership
with our organization in addressing one of the pressing needs in the Philippines; the lack of
access to good quality wheelchairs for the disabled population in the country.
The process of distributing the wheelchairs was facilitated through partner churches
and organizations who have identified legitimate cases who can greatly benefit the free
wheelchairs provided by WheelChairs of Hope.
The wheelchairs arrived in Davao last December
26, 2018. Working with the local Bureau of Customs has
not been an easy process which was why it took us
some time to finally have it released.
Thankfully, by January 22, 2019, we finally had the
entire shipment of wheelchairs processed and we immediately
started the task of organizing with our partner
churches and organizations.
On the first week, we started distributing the wheelchairs
intended for partners with bigger number of
needs. We released the first 22 wheelchairs to Tebow
Cure Hospital and 14 wheelchairs to SAKADAB . It was
then followed by ministries and churches with fewer
Thank you very much for these wheelchairs because so many people have been
blessed, especially the people from Mindanao, Philippines.
On the next two pages, you will read about the stories of some of the recipients who
were blessed to receive the wheelchairs that your foundation has sent.
With your help,
as of NOV, 30, 2024
3409 wheelchairs
have been sent out
Bible Christ Church 5F
1-12-3 Toyotamakita,
Nerima-ku, Tokyo-to 176-0012
green:Opportunities to volunteer
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