Sat Chreb, age 48, lives with her brother and sister-in-law, two nephews, three nieces, and her daughter, all together in a small dwelling in Siem Reap, Thailand. The family are farmers.
Many years ago a Khmer Rouge leader struck Chreb in the back causing spinal injuries resulting in partial paralysis in her arms and legs.
Rather than stay home alone, Chreb wants to get out. To visit her brothers and other relatives who live some distance away Chreb would travel in the heat and the drenching rain crawling on her hands and knees. Sometimes overcome by exhaustion she would fell asleep along the way, not waking up until the next morning. However once while traveling to see her brother she was raped by a stranger. She gave birth to a daughter who is now about six years old.
Chreb is now very grateful to have a wheelchair.
With your help,
as of NOV, 30, 2024
3409 wheelchairs
have been sent out
Bible Christ Church 5F
1-12-3 Toyotamakita,
Nerima-ku, Tokyo-to 176-0012
green:Opportunities to volunteer
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