Mr. Tem Roeun, 47 years old, lives with his wife and four children. They are farmers. They live in Prah Vihear province in Cambodia. Ten years ago Roeun fell from a tree from the height of more than six meters which he was climbing to chop down to earn money. He fell all the way to the ground fracturing both legs and his cutting his right hand on a sharp knife. Since then he has only stayed at home. His days consisted of waiting for his wife and children to come back from the field to help him so he could go sit outside his house. He felt hopeless since he could no longer help support his family. He was delighted to receive a wheelchair.
With your help,
as of NOV, 30, 2024
3409 wheelchairs
have been sent out
Bible Christ Church 5F
1-12-3 Toyotamakita,
Nerima-ku, Tokyo-to 176-0012
green:Opportunities to volunteer
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